Sunday, November 25, 2007

McCain: 11/19-11/25

In the news: McCain spent his Thanksgiving holiday with U.S. troops stationed in Anbar and Baghdad. This marks his seventh trip to Iraq, and he has visited Iraq more than most presidential candidates, topping Romney with only one visit, and Giuliani with no visits. Once he returned home, McCain focused his campaign efforts in New Hampshire. Also, Rick Davis, the national campaign manager for McCain said that McCain has as much chance in Iowa as anyone and that McCain is trying to balance time and money between Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. Currently, McCain is ahead of Giuliani in New Hampshire, but behind Romney.

In the polls: McCain is losing support in his home state of Arizona. Giuliani has pushed ahead at 20%, while McCain falls behind at just 18%. However, the polls also show that McCain’s job approval rating has risen from 42% to 45%. Also, in Maricopa county, McCain ranks at 32% while Giuliani is only at 22%. In a poll by Rasmussen Reports and Fox Television Stations Inc., McCain would beat Clinton 50-39%. He is also viewed favorably by Alabama and is ranked above Giuliani at 59%.


Nikki Fig said...

Its remarkable that McCain has visited Iraq seven times. It must gain him a lot of approval with the military. However, I am surprised that Giuliani's approval rating is higher in Arizona than McCain's, and I wonder if that will influence some voters in the states with early caucases and primaries. Although I must admit, McCain is doing surprisingly well-he's even in the lead in some states!

Big Shulman said...

McCain is certainly playing up his foreign policy experience with his trips to Iraq, and that's quite a difference in number of trips between him and Giuliani. On the other hand, your mention of him in second place in New Hampshire is significant. He did beat Bush there in 2000.