Sunday, December 9, 2007

New Hampshire Surprise?

In the News: John McCain made a stop in Florida last weekend to attend the CNN/YouTube Republican Debate, staying true to his stances on hotbutton issues.

On the Trail: McCain has spent the rest of this past week on the campaign trail in Iowa and New Hampshire. It seems now that McCain's hope lies in another "New Hampshire Surprise," a repeat of his win in 2000, thanks to the votes of independents. However, this election, McCain will have to deal with independents' dislike of the Iraq war, as well as Republicans' dislike of his immigration views - yet he still remains the only Republican candidate to consistantly bring up climate change and health care issues. Will the "McCain Surge" play a role in 2008?

Endorsements: This past week, the Manchester Union Leader (NH) put its support behind McCain, as did the Red Sox baseball star Curt Schilling, who is staring in a new round of TV campaign ads.

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