Monday, April 28, 2008

Republican Showdown

In the News: Almost two months after having captured the GOP Presidential Nomination, and still waiting on a single Democratic challenger, Senator McCain has been focusing his efforts on his actual job: legislation. McCain is currently drafting legislation that calls for a federal "gas tax holiday" between Labor Day and memorial Day; a move that would theoretically encourage people to travel and spend more money on non-gasoline items. However, McCain's proposal is facing strong opposition from states, as well as fellow Congressmen who see this as a temporary fix to a continuous problem.

Scandal: McCain has been under fire recently for using his wife's private corporate jets on his campaign, since he has co-authored legislation demanding that politicians pay in full for their plane tickets while on the campaign trail. These critics demand that McCain pay his wife, chair of one of the nation's largest Anheuser-Busch distributors, for all of these unethical flights.


MelanieK said...

It’s amazing how the media is so focused on covering the heated battle for the Democratic Nomination--now more than ever after Howard Dean's comment--that McCain is accumulating money and can go about his campaign/job as a senator without having to worry about being 100%in the spotlight. Being able to downplay the significance of a conflict of interest such as his personal use of his wife's jet and his current efforts to create a bill to make congressmen pay for their own flights, just goes to show that the sooner they pick one candidate the better for the Democrats. Furthermore, it will be interesting to watch whether McCain changes his lying-low strategy after there is only one Democrat in the race.

JHansbrough said...

The motive behind this 'gas tax holiday' is intriguing, but i dont get it. His usage of holiday and strategic planning of the period is intuitive, but it appears that the gas prices will just come up again, most likely raising to even more then they are now. Come this fall, he may regret this legislation

Ryan F said...

I think what is truly newsworthy and what is of tremendous instability to the world are the comments McCain said last Friday regarding North Korea and Syria. McCain said that we must stop North Korea from selling nuclear technology to Syria which is in complete violation of the agreement they signed in February 2007 as well as against the existing resolutions on this matter passed by the United Nations Security Council. We need to prevent these two countries from obtaining nuclear technology because they might actually have the will to use it against both us and our allies. The safety of the entire world is at stake.

Scott W said...

I hadn't heard about the Cindy McCain private jet controversy, but it stinks of the same irrelevant, trivial political mudslinging as the skepticism surrounding Teresa Heinz Kerry in 2004. As for the "gas tax holiday," I'd like to see the government permanently rescind federal taxes on gasoline. Even a temporary "holiday" would lend itself to exposing the sort of double standard which permeates the Democratic Congress' attitude towards oil corporations, whom politicians so often blame as the sole contributors toward higher petroleum prices as though some monopolistic scheme were afoot. Nevermind the government's willigness to penalize both the petroleum industry and the consumer through gas taxes and subsequently blame corporations for higher prices at the pump