Thursday, October 2, 2008

The battle continues

Senator John McCain ended his campaign in Michigan due to his campaign's belief that the state is not win able. McCain has appeared on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" where he discussed the pork barrel spending in the new bailout plan. On Thursday the senator was campaigning in Denver hoping to win Colorado a swing state. on Wednesday McCain was in Missouri. he spent 24 hours in Iowa around Des Moines, this is an attempt to keep the state that Bush narrowly won in 2004. McCain has been taking heat recently over his past statements over regulatory policy where he stated that he was overall in favor of deregulation. 


dgarth said...

good job Cam! you actually typed something on the blog.Like the hyperlinks

sjunnarkar said...

Pity. Michigan has been killed by the auto industry. Moral of the story: never base your state's industry on ONE sector.

Hopefully the $25 billion loan to the automakers will make things s. O, ya, also...what the hell was Cerberus thinking when it chose Nardelli as its CEO. The guy is from Home Depot and knows jack about the industry.

Also, when will Wagoner be fired from GM. He was part of the problem to begin with, so i don't see how he can fix it.

Is there no more talent in the industry?