Sunday, October 12, 2008

McCain gets nailed by John Lewis

John McCain will be appearing on the David Letterman show Thursday night, making up for the last minute cancellation three weeks previous due to the financial crisis. In other more important news,Senator McCain is shocked by the comments made by Georgian congressman John Lewis who compared the McCain campaign to that of segregationist George Wallace. Before the charge made by Lewis, McCain praised him for his efforts in the civil rights movement and considered him to be "one of three men he would turn to for counsel as president"(CNN). Senator McCain has called on Barack Obama to renounce Lewis'comments. Spokesman Bill Burton of the Obama campaign released the message that Obama disagrees in what Lewis said but the Georgian congressman "was right to condemn some of the hateful rhetoric that John McCain himself personally rebuked just last night". Watch the Letterman show on Thursday, it should be interesting.


ThaCEO said...

I am looking forward to seeing McCain on Letterman. This should be a rough interview for him. During the Obama interview, Letterman did all but put a Vote for Barack sign on his desk. Letterman asked questions to make Obama look good for potential voters. One would think that he will do the opposite for McCain. While Letterman is a comedian, he is a very intelligent guy and has a lot of guts. Watch for this to be one of the most grueling tests for the AZ Senator, and I think it merits more than one sentence.

sjunnarkar said...

Hey Mr Shulman,
Apparently I'm not the only chump who thinks that Obama will pick Dimon as the SofTres. MarketWatch made a very similar prediction.{CC95B387-4E33-4883-AB80-EB3FA337E6E3}&siteid=yahoomy

As for the other folks mentioned, the only ones I mentioned were Paulson and Summers...but I still do not think that Summers is the right guy.

It seems like the name "King James" will be redeemed, as the "soft-sword" will now be known for his financial bazooka! (Allusion to King James, and "King [Henry] Paulson"

I know, I know, too convoluted to be funny, but I love it anyways. hahaha