Thursday, October 30, 2008

McCain in Defiance Ohio

To add what to Cameron said,McCain visited Defiance Ohio today (Thursday). According to McCain, he will not give up the fight in Ohio - b/c of his Maverickness- stating that they were going to defy pundit expectations in Ohio. The second day of a ten day bus trip in Ohio, McCain so far has toured in primarily Republican territory. Near the end of his trip, McCain will go eastward to liberal-leaning city Cleveland where he will attempt to win the hearts and minds of the independents and conservative Democrats. McCain has relentlessly continued to depict Senator Obama as a socialist and has told Ohioans that the economy will worsen under all round control by the Democrats (House/Senate/President).


sjunnarkar said...

Wow! Where do these cities get their names?!? "Unity" "Independence" "Defiance"

It is as thought they were named just for political campaigns.

I wonder when they will visit Boonville, Missouri. Yes, it is a real place.

Or perhaps, on November 30, the winning candidate should visit Hannibal, Missouri and celebrate Twain's birthday!

dgarth said...

Oh Samir.